Frontliner is an independent information resource that strives to provide objective, reliable and timely news.
We adhere to high standards of journalistic ethics to provide our readers with reliable and comprehensive information.

Principles of Editorial Policy

  1. Independence: We maintain independence from any political parties, organizations, commercial structures and other external influences.
    Our editors and journalists are free to report on events of public importance without any pressure or influence.
  2. Objectivity and impartiality: Frontliner strives to present news as objectively as possible, without personal biases and subjective assessments.
    We provide different perspectives on events so that our readers can draw their own conclusions.
  3. Authenticity and accuracy: We ensure that all information we publish is true and verifiable.
    Our team of journalists carefully checks sources and facts before publishing news.
  4. Transparency: In case of errors in the materials, we promptly make corrections and inform our readers about it.
    We openly explain the reasons for making changes and corrections.
  5. Ethics and responsibility: We adhere to high standards of journalistic ethics, respect human rights and protect the right to privacy.
    Our activities are aimed at protecting the public interest.
  6. Audience Engagement: We value feedback from our readers.
    Your comments, observations and suggestions help us improve the quality of our materials.
    We strive for an open dialogue and take into account the opinions of our audience.


  1. Selection and verification of sources: We use only reliable and verified sources of information.
    Our journalists conduct a thorough check of facts and information in order to avoid the publication of inaccurate data.
  2. Editing and Publishing: Before publication, all materials go through editing stages, which include checking for compliance with the standards of our editorial policy.
    We closely monitor compliance with spelling and style norms.
  3. Working with confidential information: We adhere to the principles of confidentiality and protection of sources of information.
    All data obtained from informants is used exclusively within the framework of journalistic investigation and is not disclosed without their consent.


Frontliner’s editorial policy is aimed at creating trust and respect for our media among readers.
We make every effort to ensure the high quality of our materials, adhering to the principles of objectivity, reliability and ethics.
Our main task is to provide you with the best and most reliable information about events in the world.